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Charging Slowly

Writer's picture: Tina ShoreyTina Shorey

I am enjoying the rare treat of lounging in bed, the only things on my schedule are what and when I choose. I'm doing my version of worship: reading, talking to God about life, praying for friends, my children.

I grab my phone to glance at the time when those words catch my eye

...charging slowly...

The irony isn't lost.

My phone is telling me it needs a stronger connection, that while it is recharging, the process is being slowed down by the lack of power. If I switch to a cord designed specifically for my phone, the charging process will go much quicker.

Isn't that true for life as well?

We all have hectic schedules. If I could sit with you and ask about your week, your life... It would likely include: work drama and stress, family drama and concerns, to-do lists that need to be put on a diet; health, relationship, financial, and life worries...

There isn't a lot of time to just relax and recharge. And, keeping it real, the things I choose to relax with aren't always the best power supply! Some even drain me more! Watching TV, listening to the news, reading posts on Facebook all make me feel a range of emotions from despair to anger at times.

With stress, fear, worry, uncertainty rising, the drain on our emotions our souls is constant, persistent. Any down time we do get carries the message...charging slowly. Now more than ever we need to choose a strong power source.

Jesus said: Come to me. I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28-30. I love how the Message Bible says it:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

A daily personal retreat with God. Doesn't that sound...heavenly...?

Connecting daily with The Source of Power is the only sure method for facing what the day holds fully charged.

It was never God's plan for His children to limp through life slowly being drained of hope, love, peace. He knows, through His Son, what is needed to walk well on this planet. His desire is to give His children power and strength.

Abba longs for your presence. When life overwhelms... "come to Me"

When things seem impossible... "come to Me"

When hopelessness moves in... "come to Me"

When there is nothing left to give... "come to Me"

When the need is bigger than the supply... "come to Me"

When exhaustion sets in... "come to Me"

Run to Him daily. Let Him wrap you in His embrace and whisper hope, calm, and energy back into your life. Allow His "beginning-to-end" view to refocus and recenter you. It's the only sure way to face your day fully charged!

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get

some rest.” Mark 6:31

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