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Family, Dating, & Marriage

Comprehensive resource for Eldercare, Senior Services and Care Planning. Articles,  books, and guides to help you meet the needs of seniors.

General information related to child health and more specific guidance on parenting issues

Support toward positive resolution of grief experienced  following the death of a baby,   encompassing emotional, physical, spiritual & social healing, & sustaining the family unit.

 Provides personal teen-to-teen education and support using a national hotline, current technologies and community outreach.

An online caregiving targeting older adults and their families in our church community. This free Family Healthcare Advisory Program is provided by the North American Division Adventist Community Services. 

Christ-centered, practical and sustainable solutions to successful holistic aging.  Tools and resources for aging, health, finance, and social issues for older adults in the church and community in collaboration with community-based elder care programs that nurture body, mind, and spirit. 

Links and resources on this page will direct you to sites not affiliated with or endorsed by the  New York Conference Women's Ministries Department. 




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