New York Conference Department of Women's Ministries
In the U.S. one in three girls and one in five boys will be sexually abused before age 18. Most abuse happens when children are between ages 7 and 13, and the average victim is 9-10 years old. Victims and their families are acquainted with the abuser in more than 90 percent of cases. (Source: Adventist Risk Management)
In addition, more than 12 million women and men are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner each year, and nearly three in 10 women and one in 10 men has been the victim of violence perpetrated by a partner. (Source: National Domestic Violence Hotline)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes that abuse affects children, women, and men within the church and community. In response, departments at the North American Division and Adventist Risk Management created an enditnow campaign you can launch in your church and community to help break the cycle of abuse. You can launch this campaign on enditnow Sabbath, which is the last Sabbath in August, or on another Sabbath that works for your church.
By launching an enditnow campaign, you can help raise awareness of this important issue in your church and community. You can also turn your church into a safe place for victims. from NAD enditnow website
Go to the NAD enditnow website for information and resorces
Also Available:
Appropriate Touch for Staff and Children
Check-in/Check-out Policy (Child and Youth)
Starting Your Child Protection Plan
Youth Supervision Guidelines
Keeping Children, Churches, and Schools Safe from Sex Offenders
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect